Horse tram services started 19 August 1872
Electric traction from 13 October 1898 until 4 September 1962
Tramway abandonment's started in 1926, with major route closures from 1956 onwards
Trolleybuses introduced 3 April 1949 - Abandoned 27 May 1967
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Contacts Page.
We would love to hear from you especially if you have any material that can be added to this web site.
Progress report for November 2024
Text based on information from Ken Blacker
At the East Anglia Transport Museum, the restoration of the upper deck of 488 started to receive attention on the 14th August 2024 using the
services of a specialist contractor who it is hoped can use the £49,000 of donations ring fenced for 488 wisely to complete this project
started almost a decade ago. The Ffestiniog Railway had carried out some earlier work on the top deck but ceased activity on the tram in 2017,
not being able to proceed due to the delay of necessary electrical works by others in a timely fashion. All the opening windows had been removed
and the frames stripped of paint and many of the outside mouldings and the lower mental panels had also been removed.
Paint removal had started on the inside but had not progressed very far, although the ventilator covers had been brought to the stage of applying
new paint. So the present activity has not involved starting completely from scratch although the vast majority of the outstanding work still has
to be tackled which includes the major task of re-attaching the end that was sawn off to enable loading into the hold of the frater for its voyage
to France.
By the beginning of November 2024, work on the 'caur' had progressed to seeing some woodwork renewal on one side of the structure notwithstanding
the stripping down and close examination of the woodwork revealed that, apart from one or two minor blemishes, all the original main structure had
survived intact and was saveable. Glasgow Corporation had specified that Burma teak was used and in its wisdom of using the expensive material we
are reaping the benefit a hundred and twenty-five years later. The same was not the case for the side ribbing and other pieces for which ash had
been specified which was found to be rotten at the ends and had to be replaced.
The underframe of the salon, for which oak or pitch pine was stipulated, appears in good condition but it still remains to be seen what state the
ash roof sticks are in. It would be most undesirable to exhaust the ring-fenced monies that enables restoration to continue apace today. It would
be most unfortunate to call a halt on 488's restoration once again.
EATM has no means of knowing exactly how much the outstanding work on 488 will cost and therefore the Appeal Fund remains open for further contributions.
Donations will be most welcome and can be made direct via bank transfer to EATMs bank account [CAF Bank, Sort Code: 40-52-40, Account: 00013979], but please
the EATM Treasurer, Sue Jones, separately of your donation to 488.